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  • What is a SCIO
    A SCIO is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. The Crafthub were accepted and registered with OSCR the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator 24 October 2022
  • What are the charitable aims (purposes) of The Crafthub SCIO
    Purposes 1 The organisation’s purposes are: 4.1 The prevention or relief of poverty 4.2 The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage 4.3. The advancement of citizenship or community development 4.4 The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science 4.5 The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended
  • How will The Crafthub achieve their purposes for the community of Rousay Egilsay & Wyre
    We will achieve this by the following 4.6 To provide community activities accessible to the whole community without distinction of sex, age, ability, political, religious or other opinions. By associating local organisations, voluntary organisations and inhabitants in a common effort to provide recreational facilities or other leisure time occupation and activities in the interests of social welfare with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants of Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre and further afield in Orkney. 4.7 To advance arts and heritage by facilitating creative workshops including artisan products, arts and traditional crafts such as spinning. Bringing people together in shared activities that provide a sense of achievement and wellbeing. Music sessions involving the wider population and enhancing the benefit for our local community in the furtherance of the above objects 4.8 To advance citizenship or community development by encouraging, stimulating and supporting volunteering, principally within the community to build intergenerational relationships that ensure the services offered meet the needs of the community 4.9 To prevent or relieve poverty we will promote training, particularly among young residents of the community, and with particular reference to skills that will assist the participants in obtaining paid employment 4.10 To develop a small number of social enterprise activities to contribute to the sustainability of the organisation for example, venue and room hire for performance space, exhibition/retail space for small community producers to show and sell their locally made artisan, arts and craft products. A pop-up community café, that provides a safe, welcoming drop-in centre and meeting place in creative surroundings in particular for the vulnerable, isolated and lonely. Any surplus will be reinvested into the further maintenance and development of The Crafthub as a community facility for the ongoing benefit of the Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre community.
  • The Role of a Trustee
    The Trustees are elected by the members of The Crafthub SCIO at the AGM. Charity trustees are the people who have general control and management of the charity and are responsible for making sure that the charity works to achieve its charity’s purposes (the reasons the charity exists). Guidance for Charity Trustees can be found here
  • The role of a member
    A member supports the aims (purposes) of The Crafthub SCIO and how they will achieve those aims. Members elect the volunteer Trustees at each AGM to manage the day to day activities of the organisation
  • The role of a volunteer
    Being a volunteer can be a really rewarding experience. Whether you have a lot or a little time to give you can help befriend people, help at events, help fundraise and provide support to our community. By giving your time you are helping The Crafthub SCIO and you are also helping your community and its people. Volunteers often find they get far more out of volunteering than they put in, creating lasting friendships and benefiting the community. Whatever you want to get out of volunteering - we can help
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