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Our membership is really important to us 

We are looking for like-minded people who support our ethos.

As a member you can help inspire and influence what we do - our main priority at the moment is to find a new premises to operate from - we are hoping to sort something out as a short-term measure whilst we establish a more permanent presence to carry on the good work that has been carried over the last ten years of operation.

By becoming a member we will provide you with regular updates and ask for your feedback and support. 

As with all things inspirational there are also legal aspects to consider -some are interesting and some quite boring but necessary,  so it's good if everyone is at least aware of them.

We've included the necessary details in the membership application below but  if you wish to read up in more detail you can view our constitution.




Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation 



The Crafthub cic incorporated at Companies House  16th May 2013

is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee

Registered in Scotland No SC450163

Registered Office: Warsett, Egilsay KW17 2QD (temporary)





‘The Crafthub’ has been set up as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation  and as such is a not for profit organisation. This means that any surplus after overheads and operational costs are ploughed back into the ‘SCIO’ to be used for community benefit. 


The objects of the Company are to carry on activities which benefit the community of Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre and in particular (without limitation) to:


Carry out a number of trading activities and community initiatives with the intention to provide employment opportunities, goods, services and premises for the benefit of the community of Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre and beyond.


Conditions of Membership – full details are contained within the Constitution  and can be viewed here


We have 2 categories of Membership – Full and Associate Membership


(a) FULL MEMBERSHIP ‘Full Membership’ shall be open to any person aged 18 or over who is resident in the community of Rousay Egilsay & Wyre covering postcodes

KW17 2PR, KW17 2PS, KW17 2PT, KW17 2PU, KW17 2PY, KW17 2PZ, KW17 2QA,KW17 2QD

              Is entitled to vote at a local government election in a polling district that includes the 

              community or part of it; and

              Supports the aims and activities of the company



Associate Membership’ shall be open to

any individual aged 18 years or over whom is not eligible for Full Membership but wishes to support the aims and activities of the company.

Any individual who has been nominated for membership by a voluntary organisation wherever located wishing to support the aims and activities of the company.


The liability of each member is limited to £1



General Data Protection Regulations  - Privacy Statement

We record personal details -  name, residential address, and preferred contact details to be held on a members register for the purposes of contacting members in relation to the activities of The Crafthub SCIO such as information relating to The Crafthub community events, member benefits and general meetings.

The information we hold is confidential and will only be accessed by authorised personnel and will not be passed to any third party without permission from the member.

Each member has the right to access personal information that The Crafthub SCIO holds and may request amendments or deletion of that information at any time.

When you cease to become a member your personal details will be erased from The Crafthub SCIO membership register with immediate effect.    



Should The Crafthub SCIO dissolve all assets will be transferred to an appropriate not for profit / voluntary / charitable community body.


I confirm that I am eligible to become a member of The Crafthub SCIO 

Please complete your  contact details  and submit


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